business process, HR-outsourcing, personnel-technology, personnel management, efficiency of HR-outsourcing application, enterpriseAbstract
To increase the efficiency of management at the enterprise it is necessary to introduce modern methods of organizing the processes of production and economic activity. The use of outsourcing gives the company the opportunity to increase competitive advantage, to ensure the organization of continuous work at all levels, to focus the company's main resources on the most promising areas of business, to abandon uncompetitive work.
The presence of different types and types of HR-outsourcing indicates the availability of options for companies to choose the method of registration of relations with the employee and the company-provider, as well as the involvement of the necessary specialists due to the constant needs of this employee. The use of HR-outsourcing opportunities in the economic activity of the enterprise allows to save time in the process of "recruitment-selection-hiring" of staff.
HR-outsourcing is a new and powerful tool for enterprise management, but without proper support it can negatively affect the company's activities. Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of its application, it is necessary to conduct in-depth analytical and organizational work, objectively assess not only the expected current results, but also the long-term consequences of the transfer of certain functions to third-party specialized performers.
The article examines the use of modern personnel technologies in enterprise management. The essence of the concept of HR-outsourcing, the main directions of services provided in the varieties of its forms at the enterprise are determined. Depending on the specifics of the work to be performed, and taking into account the order of registration, the following types of HR-outsourcing are characterized: leasing (rent) of personnel; temporary staff and outstaffing. The advantages and disadvantages of HR-outsourcing for the company are given. The main stages of registration of relations with HR-outsourcing at the enterprise are presented. The achievement of the goals of change and organizational development through HR-outsourcing at the enterprise is reflected. The economic effect of the transfer of the business process of personnel management to HR-outsourcing as an innovative personnel technology is calculated. The effectiveness of HR-outsourcing to perform selected types of work at the enterprise is proved, as the use of outsourcing schemes leads to lower costs.
Thus, the study of the world experience of such radical innovative solutions testifies to the effectiveness of this model of business organization. And Ukraine with its highly skilled and cheap labor force has all the opportunities to benefit during the boom of this service - HR-outsourcing.
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