



time management, time, management, efficiency, planning


The work systematizes approaches to defining the concept of time management. Approaches to defining the essence of time management are summarized. It is considered that proper implementation of methods and principles set of time management will make efficient-manner time usage possible due to correct goal setting, planning and control over one's life both in the personal and professional sphere.

Goal setting, planning, decision-making, implementation and organization, control, information and communication are the main functions of time management. These functions could serve many functions to work more productively and efficiently and gain traction in current economic conditions. It is noted that time management at the enterprise should be divided into personal and corporate. Personal time management is aimed at personal development through self-improvement and self-management. Corporate one is aimed at optimizing the interaction processes of all enterprise employees. On the other hand, corporate time management could be divided into corporate time management of the enterprise, corporate time management of individual divisions and personal time management of leading specialists.

The main pros of the principles and methods of time management applied for an enterprise in current business conditions. The significant advantages of time management principles implementation are as follows:  planning process improvement, practical problem solving, effective use of working time, increasing the productivity of holding meetings, reducing the time to search for necessary documents, setting priorities in the implementation tasks, increasing work productivity, etc.

The structural-logical model was proposed for improving time management at the enterprise. The daily work efficiency of the staff, expressed in the increasing productivity and the improvement of the whole enterprise work, might be the main point of time management implemented at the enterprise level.



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How to Cite

Ratushnyak О., Badya Я., & Hirnyk М. (2022). TIME MANAGEMENT AS A MAIN COMPONENT OF THE EFFICIENT ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN MODERN ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. Innovation and Sustainability, (3), 186–192. https://doi.org/10.31649/ins.2022.3.186.192





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