Warehouse logistics in Ukraine during the war: problems and innovative solutions
logistics, warehouse, goods, transport, shortage of personnel, innovations, automationAbstract
The article analyzes the changes that took place in the field of warehouse logistics in Ukraine during the war. In particular, the scale of the destruction of warehouses in different regions, changes in production volumes and turnover, the impact of fuel price increases and the shortage of logistics personnel are described. The necessity and specifics of the innovative restructuring of the country's warehouse logistics are substantiated.
The study showed that since the beginning of the war, the warehouse and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine suffered significant losses. About 20% of warehouse space was destroyed. This caused a reorientation of logistics to the western regions, which raised demand and rental rates for warehouses. Destroyed warehouses that served large companies caused critical difficulties in the distribution of goods and redirected logistics flows to the west of the country.
It was revealed that at the same time there was another shortage - personnel. The departure of workers abroad and mobilization led to a shortage of drivers and warehouse operators, which complicates the storage and transportation of goods. The shortage of drivers in the field of logistics has reached 25%. The war also caused a fuel supply crisis, which made it difficult to deliver humanitarian and other goods.
Investing in mobility and automation of warehouse logistics is relevant for solving the problems. The government and partners are already discussing the creation of modern logistics hubs and industrial parks that will meet international standards.
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