management system, management activity, management efficiency, diagnosisAbstract
At the modern innovative stage of development, one of the most important directions of management is the development of an effective management system of the organization. The foundations of this system, formed during the administrative-command economy, although they contain valuable experience, are not sufficiently adapted to the market environment. In the conditions of a market economy, the volume and complexity of management functions increase significantly (state support is reduced to a minimum, competition between producers increases, there is a need for marketing, etc.), while the increased role of management implies economic freedom and full responsibility of the organization's management for the results of its activities. Modern approaches to determining the effectiveness of the organization's management system are considered. At the same time, it should be noted that a unified approach to management efficiency assessment has not yet been formed, nor has an effective analysis tool been created that would allow comprehensively characterizing the functioning of the management system of an agricultural organization and would serve as a basis for its further improvement. It was established that the modern idea of the effectiveness of the organization's management system should take into account both the human and the economic factor, since the effectiveness of the management system is a socio-economic category; changes in the goals of functioning and development of management systems in modern conditions. A methodology for diagnosing the effectiveness of management of agricultural organizations has been developed, which analyzes three areas containing indicators that allow evaluating a specific type of effectiveness. The implementation of the proposed methodological approach to the assessment of the effectiveness of the management system will contribute to the prompt monitoring of emerging deviations, timely response to them and, in general, will increase the quality of management and the efficiency of the functioning of the agricultural organization
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