deposit market, perfect competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, market model, ttypes of market structures, concentration coefficient, Herfindahl-Hirschman indexAbstract
The effective functioning of the domestic deposit market presupposes the presence of positive dynamics regarding the equal placement of free funds of legal entities and individuals in the accounts of all functioning banks at the optimal level of the interest rate on deposits. It is under such conditions that the studied market would present a model of perfect competition. However, the conducted research confirmed the fact that the domestic deposit market is not an example of a model of free (unrestricted) competition. With the use of official NBU data and well-known methods for determining the level of market power (concentration coefficient, Herfindahl-Hirschman index), we found a generally "moderate concentration" of the studied market, which allows us to characterize it as a market model of monopolistic competition, despite the fact that over the past four years state banks in Ukraine demonstrated significant (in their favor) differences in the share of population deposits compared to private and foreign banks. In the Ukrainian deposit market, in general, there is an outflow of funds from deposit accounts, which is explained, first of all, by low interest rates on deposits. In this context, it is extremely important for banks to intensify efforts to introduce new deposit products, thereby creating opportunities to increase term deposits, which, among other opportunities for accumulating funds, are relatively stable. They are one of the important sources of financing assets, increasing the liquidity and solvency of banks, intensifying credit and investment activities and, in general, supporting the financial stability of the country's banking system.
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