


business processes, management, personnel, principles, approach, criteria


Questions related to the need to change the management procedure and the introduction of business processes into the activities of any organization are relevant in the conditions of the world's rapidly developing economic system. The growing need for managers to coordinate the organization's actions and systematize human resources management is due to the goal of unifying the satisfaction of market demand. Companies all over the world are looking for new levers that will allow them to take leading positions in the market. A high-quality, competently constructed system of business processes and other factors supporting competitiveness become the minimum condition for presence on the world market. Under these conditions, it is especially important to ensure the proper functioning of individual production enterprises, which is confirmed by the growth of its market value. Solving the issues of increasing business efficiency is impossible without the formation of an effective business model. For the prosperity of the enterprise, the manager needs not only to plan and analyze the process of performing the main tasks, but also to be able to manage all business processes and control them, to achieve consistency in the actions of employees. In order to remain competitive in today's market, a business must be cost efficient. In order to achieve the efficiency of the processes, it is necessary to adjust the flow of activities. Any activity is a process, and business process management (BPM) is a technology of effective process management in order to achieve their maximum efficiency. BPM technology sets the task of automating the management of processes in your business, allowing, nevertheless, to transform it later. Optimizing business processes is a necessary tool for ensuring the efficiency of enterprises in modern conditions of globalization. BPM includes a number of systemic aspects. The enterprise is considered as an open system with inputs, processing and outputs. Effective operation of the enterprise is ensured by alignment with strategic goals. The implementation of each of the principles of management helps to better satisfy the interests and needs of consumers and improve the results of the enterprises.


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How to Cite

Ostapchuk О., & Kravchyk Ю. (2022). MODELING OF THE SYSTEM OF BALANCED CRITERIA OF BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Innovation and Sustainability, (4), 79–86.





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